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About me

My name is Teppo Gustafsson. I'm electrician and medical technology specialist.

As a hobby, I've been making electronic things for well over thirty years. I started out with batteries and lightbulbs, build many kits in the 90s and got tangled up with effect pedals and other guitar related stuff in early 2000s. I made my first computer games and programs with Commodore64 Basic starting in 1988, and it has been downhill ever since.

My embedded projects are build mainly on Arduino platform, and IoT projects are build with ESP8266 microcontrollers from Espressif Systems. For my Arduino and IoT projects I'm most proud of my WiFi-clock that I can use as a template for many different type of clocks. I've also made few games and musical instruments with Arduino. My current projects and intrests are in environmental monitoring systems.

Unlike the Arduino and IoT projects that use C++, most of my online games are written in Lua using the Pico-8 platform. Pico-8 provides simple built-in tools for creating small retro style games. I've also used vanilla JavaScript for HTML5 for creating online games with more modern look and feel. One relatively recent example is my adaptation of Balloon Fight for Pico-8.

I had an effects pedal company from 2005 to 2011. I can, and I have designed electronic products from prototype all the way to final products. Besides design of the actual electronic circuit, this process also includes PCB design, enclosure design and final product design among several other possible steps. I've also used outside help and outsourcing when needed. There are several examples on this site. On this front I'm most proud of my analog chorus and analog delay pedals. My most succesful product was "Tweed Drive" from 2009.

Need help?

I'll always try to answer questions and help if I can, but I'm not going to participate in prolonged e-mail exchanges or step by step personal instructions. If you've build things correctly, they will also work correctly. Every project presented on this site requires prior knowledge and experience. Sometimes in both hardware and software. And if you construct any mains operated equipment it is 100% at your own risk. Follow your local regulations.

I don't do commissions, but I have extra PCBs for most of my pedals. So, if you want one send me a message and ask. It makes me very happy if you've decided to build something based on my work. Remember, I'm not selling anything, these are not kits and I offer zero support. If you have trouble sourcing components for your pedal project, like some germanium diodes (e.g. 1N270) or TO-99 package opamps I might be able to help you.

I share my software projects as a hobbyist programmer. While I enjoy creating games, useful gadgets, and exploring new ideas, I do not offer any programming assistance or advice. This includes help with homework, personal projects, or troubleshooting. Please respect this boundary. Thank you for understanding, and I hope you enjoy exploring my projects and experiences!